Sunday, November 7, 2010

Finished Myth & Magic Quilt

Finished Quilt
It's always an interesting challenge to design the layout of disparate pieces, but this one had the advantage of being related by theme and color. Overall, the layout is like an overly large nine-patch quilt block, and this is echoed in the pieced blocks on the four corners. This is a very traditional quilt block design. The colors are largely primary: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green -- very like the selections in a child's box of crayons (the smallest size).

The theme was myth and magic, primarily from the medieval period. Thus, the checkered blocks representing a lord's thematic colors along with the coats of arms (shown by the patches) for that feudal landowner. Thus, the "potions" and mythical creatures: A unicorn, a dragon, and a phoenix. Thus, the proliferation of stars in the sashing around each square and in marking off the inner junctions. The owl represents knowledge and the pursuit of wisdom; the flying golden ball represents athleticism and the chasing of dreams.

4 Patches in the corners

Flying Ball Detail

Owl Detail
Note that the free-form quilting over the sashing picks up the thematic stars.